Fritzen Esports Strategies2024-07-26T10:37:43+02:00
Martin Fritzen

Martin Fritzen

Hi, I’m Martin Fritzen. I specialize in integrating esports strategies into traditional sectors. With experience from national sports associations to governments, I provide tailored solutions to empower NGOs, schools, governments, and clubs. I help them navigate the esports landscape, leveraging its potential to reach new audiences and create impactful strategies.

  • College & University Esports

Esports Program Development & Management

Unlock tailored esports strategies; merge academics, elevate community engagement, and harness revenue potential while innovating facilities. Plus, bespoke consultations, training, and more. Dive in for details.

Esports Program Development & Management
National Sports Federations
  • Revitalize Traditional Sports

National Sports Associations

Incorporate esports to regain members, enhance tech prowess, boost PR, unlock sponsorships, diversify activities, and engage untapped audiences. Transform exclusion to inclusion. Seize the future now.

  • Elevate B2B with Esports

Commercial B2B Companies

Navigate market entry, create engaging content, tailor products for gamers, master esports marketing, and unlock influential partnerships. Dive into unparalleled growth.

Commercial B2B Companies
Empower Communities with Esports:
  • Empower Communities with Esports

NGOs, Governments, and Municipalities

Shape esports legislation, drive community involvement, launch impactful initiatives, and illuminate esports’ potential. Ready to revolutionize?

Some Brands We Work With

We’re proud to empower esports success alongside these esteemed institutions.


Insights from esteemed colleagues and partners. Delve into perspectives and testimonials from esteemed colleagues, partners, and industry peers who have collaborated closely with me on various esports initiatives and projects. Their insights provide a window into the dedication, expertise, and strategic acumen I bring to the table.

Anyone who works with Martin or reads his books will understand the commercial mechanics in esports and get a ton of actionable insights to implement immediately.


Jonas Gundersen, Chief Operating Officer - Ninjas in Pyjamas

Jonas Gundersen, Chief Operating Officer – Ninjas in Pyjamas

Martin and his books contain a fascinating and deeply personal insight into the world of esports that goes behind stereotypes and provides a good foundation for understanding how gaming can provide a framework for strong and committed communities.


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Rune K. L. Nielsen, psychologist, Ph.D., associate professor of game psychology, IT University of Copenhagen

My session with Martin gave me a newfound appreciation for the impact relationships can have on the esports space you are trying to create, and he provided some very helpful resources to utilize as well! He came alongside me in my passion for my esports program & made me excited to see its new potential in growth & sustainability!

Zachariah Lail

Zachariah Lail, Varsity Esports Program Manager, Huntington University

Martin Fritzen was our guest speaker at our summit on esport. His presentation on how Denmark deals with esport was quite fascinating and a totally new approach to us. Martin’s proactive ideas and his experience in this field are of great value.



I met Martin at the V4 Future Sports Conference back in 2019. Back then I was the organizer of the attendees and their professional presentation and I have to say the competence of Martin is unquestionable. He knows so much about the industry of esports, that adding him to any conference or lecture regarding the business of digital sports is a huge plus. Speaks and presents well and he is also a kind and curious person. Highly recommend working with him in any matter!

Oliver Szabella, Hungarian Esports Federation

Oliver Szabella, Hungarian Esports Federation

Martin Fritzen

Through my writings, I share my deep understanding of esports funding, offer a blueprint for a successful esports organization, explore the profound impact of esports on individuals, and provide a detailed roadmap to introduce esports to university campuses.

Esports funding guide

How esports teams, organizations and sports clubs can create solid, profitable revenue streams to secure the operation and development of their esports activities.

The Successful Esports Organization

This book is designed to give you the blueprint on how to build and fund an esport organization

How Esports Transforms People

Theories. Evidence and Real-Life Experiences

Leveling up campus life

A comprehensive guide to implementing esports at Universities

Martin Fritzen
Martin Fritzen

Esports Strategy Consultant

Empower NGOs, Schools, Governments & Clubs

Esports insights transforming schools, NGOs, governments, and clubs globally

Navigating the Esports Frontier: Solutions for Today’s Challenges

Facing gaps in esports understanding, community engagement, or adapting to its dynamic landscape? Fritzen Esports Strategies bridges these divides, offering tailored strategies for education, business, governance, and sports entities. Your roadmap to esports success starts here.

Martin Fritzen

Broadened Horizons

Break traditional barriers, welcoming diverse demographics. Embrace a strategy that’s inclusive, opening doors for everyone, not just the elite.

Evolving Expertise

Delve into the world of esports with an industry pioneer. Elevate your institution with time-tested insights and innovative strategies.

Esports insights transforming schools, NGOs, governments, and clubs globally

Accelerated Program Launch

Educational Institutions: Unleash esports to revitalize curricula and engage a new generation.

Revenue Generation

National Sports Associations: Transform traditional paradigms, boosting membership with esports synergy.

Student Engagement

Commercial B2B Companies: Innovate and penetrate the thriving esports market with tailored strategies.

Student Engagement

NGOs, Governments, and Municipalities: Drive community engagement and inclusivity through esports-centered initiatives.

Martin Fritzen

“Esports is not just a game; it’s a transformative force. While many institutions are still catching up, I’m passionate about harnessing the unparalleled power of esports and gaming. They don’t just entertain; they shape character, build self-esteem, and instill a sense of belonging. That’s the magic I strive to share every day.”

Martin Fritzen

Esports Strategy Consultant

Esports Resources: Insider Advice on How to Work With Esports

Let’s Make Things Happen

If you are an institution seeking to tap into the transformative power of esports and you want to foster community, drive engagement, and create lasting impact, you can benefit from working with me.

“Having been instrumental in shaping over 200 esports programs, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound ripple effect of esports. From students completing their education, the unemployed finding purposeful work, to the isolated discovering camaraderie – esports is more than just games; it’s a beacon of opportunity, connection, and transformation.”

Martin Fritzen

Esports Strategy Consultant

Martin Fritzen
Martin Fritzen
Esports Strategy Consultant

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